Welcome to Miarese Group

Every great project begins with an even better story

Miarese champions the future of sports and entertainment. Our approach combines deep industry insight with innovative strategies, empowering brands and talents to reach peak performance and reputation.

About Miarese

A word from the founder
Mame-Ibra Anne

"In recent years, the sports industry has sprinted beyond norms worldwide. Clubs are now global brands, and globalization has opened the field for true innovators to score with cutting-edge solutions, spurred by major international sports events.

My high-level athletic career has honed a sharp understanding of industry goals. The digital era's advent has introduced new metrics, changing the game in assessing fame and performance.

Athletes needed strategic coaching to pitch brands effectively. Responding to this, Miagency was founded as the group's first venture, aiming to match brands with the right talent.

Today, we're set to offer brands and our talents a more comprehensive playbook, always aiming to draft them into a network of top-tier partners for achieving their performance and reputation goals. Thus, Miarese was born. Standing on four strong, growing brands, the group positions itself as a future leader in sports and entertainment. Our thorough approach will guide our partners through all challenges, crafting relevant strategies and ensuring top-notch operational rollout."

Our Brands

One Group, Four Brands, Endless Possibilities

Logo Miadvisory

Consulting and strategy firm

Guiding brands in the deployment of growth strategies at the heart of the sports ecosystem. Miadvisory provides expert advice to navigate and excel in the dynamic world of sports.

Event management and creation

Delivering impactful sports and cultural event experiences for brands. Miaevents specializes in creating memorable and effective event solutions that meet diverse brand needs.

Creative and content studio

The creative powerhouse for content creation and talent management in sports and entertainment. Miagency combines creativity with strategic insight to elevate brands and talents alike

Logo Oyaba

Empowering women talents worldwide

An accelerator for the image of high-potential female talents. Oyaba focuses on empowering and amplifying the presence of women in sports and entertainment, fostering growth and visibility.


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Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted


Similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted


Nam libero tempore cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod.

Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted


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Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted


Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted


Similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted


Nam libero tempore cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod.

Protect all your digital activity and data from unwanted

Our Vision

What we're aiming for in 2024


Transforming sports brand imagery through meaningful associations with unique players. Identifying innovative and disruptive communication channels to build the brands of tomorrow.


Creating the conditions necessary for peak performance for our partners, athletes, and institutions through relevant and innovative associations, enhanced by our expertise.


Opening new horizons and markets for our partners through strategic international communication channels. Expanding our activities in Africa and the Middle East.


Acting as a facilitator in the sports sector for our partners, accelerating their development and expanding their network of high-profile collaborators.

Our Team

Meet the team

Meet the Miarese Team: The dynamic minds and creative forces propelling our vision in sports and entertainment.

Founder & Managing Partner
Mame-Ibra Anne
Head of Operations & Consulting
Antoine Duval
Founder of Oyaba & Content Manager
Rudy Mirabel